If you frequently use our website, you may have noticed some changes around here – and we hope you like them! We are still the same great company, and our values remain the same, but we’ve got a new look plus some new functionality that will make it a lot easier for you to use this site. This post provides a guide to our new features and updates – read on for a complete look at what you can accomplish at CollectInsure.com.
Pay Online
Our existing customers can make payments online! It’s fast and easy – simply click on the “Make a Payment” link located at the top left of our navigation. Fill out the form and follow the prompts to complete the process.

Update Your Policy
Need to update your policy? You can request this on our website! You can change your mailing address, update your policy limit, add or remove an Automatic Monthly Increase, and more. The link is in our top navigation, second from the left. Simply click the link and fill out the form that follows, selecting the type of update that you need to make from the dropdown menu.

Report a Claim
Start the process of reporting a claim without even having to get on the phone. Simply click the “Report a Claim” link in our top navigation and fill out the information about your loss. Our team will respond promptly to keep the claim moving!

For Dealers
If you’re a dealer, our For Dealers page allows you to get a dealer quote or make changes to your existing policy.

Collector’s Corner
Our blog posts and collector stories have been combined into one section, Collector’s Corner! Here you’ll find incredible stories coming from our collectors – it’s an exciting way to learn about other people’s collections and the history behind them. You’ll also find blog posts covering a wide variety of topics, including the latest industry news. We hope you find this portion of our site to be interesting and informative!

If you have any questions or feedback about the new website, feel free to contact us

About Collectibles Insurance Services

Collectibles Insurance Services has been protecting collections since 1966 and all coverage is provided by a carrier with a group rating of “A” (Excellent) by AM Best, the leading rating agency for the insurance industry.

Comprehensive coverage includes, but is not limited to: accidental breakage, burglary, fire, flood, loss in the mail, theft, natural disasters, and other causes of loss unless specifically excluded from the policy. Deductibles start at $0 for collector policies and we provide coverage for the market value of your collection for losses in excess of $50.

Additionally the protection extends At home and away, and we don't require collection itemization and serial number nor extensive paperwork and red tape.